Update Annoucement

Its the beginning of something new. The rebranding from NoobNetwork to SwayCraft, the language swap and the new ideas. We are working our asses of with the new gamemodes and the new ways how we are going to promote and manage the server.

Players first

With this new swap our motto is players first. This means less downtime and more transparency. We hope to vote on more drastic things before we make a decision.

Our gamemodes.


One of our most Ambitious gamemodes thus far. We have a 1:1000 map with towns, kingdom, vehicles, wars, trading and some surprises.
Release date = Tbd


A gamemode for the grinders under us. The skyblock features Custom Islands, Events, Trading and Teams.
Release date = Tbd


This one of our gamemodes that we are most hyped about.
A fully custom map with custom mines, custom items and so much more.
Release date = Tbd


Not something you haven't heard off. We are trying to make our one version of this gamemode on swaycraft.
Release date = Tbd

The gamemodes mentioned here can be changed. Nothing is final.
No rights can be granted to the text above.

Extra information

Will the old ranks be transferred to the new server?

Yes, we will try to compensate you in a way that matches your old rank with price and permissions.

Are there any job oppenings?

For extra information its advised to join our discord server.
Press here to join the Discord server.